Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lesson help

Okay, i need some help. It is my turn to teach in Young Women's in a couple of weeks. the lesson is on marriage standards. If you could share your story of how you met your spouse and share how you prepared yourself to get married and go through the temple i would appreciate it. For some reason i am just struggling preparing for this lesson. I am dork and like making handouts for my lessons. If you have any ideas for a handout, they would be appreciated. The manual gives some handout ideas but they are kind of lame. Thanks in advance for your help. 


Guilty!! I just finished listening to Elder Oaks talk on the importance of sacrament meeting. Few things hit super close to home. He mentioned being on time, feeling of the spirit durning the prelude music...hmm. I am not sure when the last time was that i was on time for sacrament meeting, i am thinking like a month. He also mentioned the proper dress for the meeting. Well i think for the most part i do a good job with my clothing options. The footwear on the other hand...GUITLY again. Most the time i am late because i am primping and doing my hair and makeup. I already have the outfit picked out, but not the shoes. So alot of the time i will slip on the flip flops. Mind you they aren't like beach flip flops. I have gotten alot better with the shoe thing thanks to Target. 

I am so glad that he mentioned the whole cell phone thing. We had a girl in YW last week who answered her phone in class. She said "oh its my dad, i have to answer it." What? her dad was a bishop and knows what time our church is. Why was he calling her? That bugged me. 

Guess I have some things to work on next Sunday. I think we'll start with being on time. My bad!

Living the life

It's been a while. My bad. Guess I have had "bloggers block".  Life is going great! 

So i know that all of you are dying to know if i have chosen my new bedroom stuff. Well indeed i have.  Thank you for your opinions they were very insightful. Well after a month of going back and forth i have selected option number......2.  I ordered this on Wednesday. Now if i could just find a bedroom sent that i like and is not going to break my pocket book.

I got another hair cut. HAHA shocker i know. Me hair cut?...NEVER. This one is my favorite one yet. Chopped alot off, got a few more layers and actually kept the same colors from before. 

I had a job interview at work for a new position. The position is HR assistant. I honestly hope i get it. Im sick of being in the same dept at work that i have been in since i started. Wish me luck. I should know in  a few weeks. 

Dallin is doing really well. He had his first baptism on Tuesday the Tuesday the 23rd. I guess they had kind of a rough day with her on Monday and Tuesday morning, but all worked out and she was baptized.  So proud of Dallin. He is doing a great job serving our Heavenly Father.

The craft bug has gotten ahold of me this week. I made more scrapbooked letters. I made the letters BOO! for Halloween. I am in love with the paper that is on sale right now. I am going to finish the word FALL tomorrow.  My aunt grabbed me on Sunday and asked me if i would make her 25 cards of any kind and she'll pay me for them. Ya! and excuse to actually make cards. I think this month is card club so actually i just realized i have to make 50 cards by next weekend. Yikes. No pressure.  I'm thinking about custom making the scrapbooked letters. If your interested let me know and we can arrange things. I'll post pictures of the ones i've made.

I started walking again. I forgot how much i love it. It's relaxing and well good for me. I usually do between 2.8 and 3 miles. I pop in the ipod and go. The other day my neighbor Dave saw me out walking and he said "you know its not good for mental patients to walk by themselves." Haha thanks Dave.

My dad turned 50 on Tuesday. Happy Birthday old fart. I think he had a fun day. The fam went fourwheeling all day then came home showered and then we went to Chili's. My dad is a funny fella.  Here are a few things i love about the pops.  He laughs so hard he farts sometimes.  He has infectious laugh. He is a LOUD talker. He is caring and compassionate. He is a jack of all trades. Have a problem with a car? Need a birthday cake? Come on over Poppa Martin will help ya out.  Love ya dad, Happy Birthday

We had a young single adult activity for our region, our stake was in charge of it. I got "nominated" to be the rep from our ward, so i got to help with that. It was super fun. We didn't think we would have alot of people, but we had about 100 people. I got to know girls from the stake better i also got to play football with cute guys- one of them being Op Tom. Ya for that. More on Op Tom in a later post. :)

Here are some random pics from the month of Sept. Have a great weekend everyone!!

Boys that gather money...

Heather came home for a visit.  Ash*Heather*Linds
          Yeah we play twister for YW
Don't ask...
Dave is a Diva while doing service